Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Week. A photo essay in reverse.

It's done. The last piece of trim went on today.

Decorated and furnished by Aspen, Cedar and Olive.

Nervous breakdown that almost happened.

We survived.

It FINALLY came out!
Haircut time.

So silly!

Entertainment for Jonathon and the kids while I went to my primary meeting.


Emily said...

Seriously Sarah your kids are so stinkin' cute! Were did they get it from again? Just kidding! I am glad to see that your house is all done.

Aspen looks cute as a mummy and with a missing tooth!

Marie aka Grams said...

The house looks great! Wow, you did a good job on the staircase, and the carpet is fabulous. I can't wait to sink my pinkies into it.
See you Friday. xoxox

Katrina said...

Hooray for completed tasks! *throws confetti* how wonderful for you, and your sanity... glad to see that everything is workin' out for ya!

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