Saturday, August 9, 2014

People's Choice Award

The votes are in! Aspen won people's choice award for her cookies!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Prize-winning Cookies

It official! Aspen makes prize winning cookies! (She wasn't so sure about being put in the kids category though! She's only a few months away from 14!)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Another Fair post

Another fair post! (Or as Linden says it. Another "fairy" post!)
Olive and Cedar got to join a friends mud volleyball team. They had a good time even though they didn't even get half as muddy as their team mates!

Family Game Night at the County Fair

We went to the family game night at the fair last night. It was super fun! Olive won $20 for competing, Cedar ended up with $10 and Linden ended up with $10 by getting the pennies out of the pantyhose! Jonathon, Aspen and I competed too but all we ended up with were some funny pictures, candy and a great video of Jonathon and Aspen shaking ping pong balls out of a tissue box tied around their waist!

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