Sunday, August 30, 2009

Self portraits

(I took this one, but she asked me to and she posed herself)

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Yesterday we did what I didn't think we could do.

Jonathon had mentioned that he wanted to have a party this year for his birthday. We have had parties for kids, Halloween parties with friends from Japan and lots of people over, but never have we even thought about a big gathering. Those of you who have been to my house know why. My house is not really designed for hosting anything more than a smallish gathering.

After talking with a friend about parties she inspired me that maybe we could have people over, outside, as long as the weather holds up. And it did. (Thank you!)

There were over 40 people here, though a few came late and just for a little while. There was plenty of food and the pinata that Jonathon requested was a huge success.

The only incident was a bee sting, and the unlucky girl was Olive.

It turned out really well and I think that we all had fun. Why was I so worried about it a few days ago? I usually really like to plan things like this. This one was fun too, I was just worried about it. What if no one shows up? What if everyone shows up? What if it rains? What if Jonathon is still sick? Where will they park? Where will they sit?

It's always nice to look back and see how everything came together perfectly. The weather was fabulous! The kids were a big help, I am assuming everyone found a place to park, (I think there were 6 cars in our driveway.) And even though the chairs were on a bit of an incline, the tables were mostly level.The cupcake bar was fun to get ready for. Allison had posted a picture from a wedding she photographed and one of the pictures were of the dessert table. I had never seen a cup cake bar at a wedding before and I thought it was really cute. So, being the thief that I am I stole the idea. I didn't get a picture of them all set out, but this is what they looked like Friday night after spending forever decorating them. If you want to see Allison's picture from the wedding, go here!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Happy (late) Birthday Jonathon!

***Due to technical difficulties this post is a day late. Sorry Jonathon. Thanks for fixing the Internet!***

We did a How well do you know Daddy game for FHE. Here are a few of the funnier answers.

How old is Daddy?
Olive- 15

Who is Daddy's mom and Dad?
Olive- You

What does Daddy like to do when he's not working?
Olive and Cedar- Play with us
Aspen- Do his blog, write on his lap top
Cedar- Take naps

How many Brothers and Sisters does Daddy have? What are their names?
Cedar- That's easy! 3! Aspen, Cedar, Olive!
Aspen- I know he has one...I want to say Aunt Emily, but that's not it. What letter does it start with? Oh yea! Aunt Allison.
Olive- 7, Secretary, 100

What is your favorite thing about Daddy?
Olive and Cedar- He plays with us! Everything.
Aspen- Everything, especially his crepes!

Happy Late Birthday Jonathon! We love you!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Click here if you want to see our new pet!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Julie posed the question, "What are your top ten vacations?"
My answer is not a top ten list, but in no particular order, some vacations that I loved.

First, I think that my favorite vacation is always the next one. I love to plan and prepare for vacations. I love to research what is around and get thoroughly excited. The months before vacation are always so fun for me. For example, I am looking forward to my best friend Cristy coming to visit. She will be here for an long weekend and we will end with a night in Nashville, just us, no kids! I am sooo excited! We will also be tourists in my own backyard. It's not something I usually do. I am also having so much fun planning and thinking about what Jonathon and I are going to do for our 10 year anniversary. We want to do a beach something or other. Maybe Belize or somewhere like that. Hawaii was our first choice, but it might be a bit out of our price range.

Our five year anniversary was a cruise. I liked that one!

Our Honeymoon was to Rome. That was wonderful not only because it was our honeymoon, but also because of all the bloopers. We found nothing other than the best restaurant around. A Chinese restaurant. We also found this little grocery store that we walked to several times and Jonathon had pear soy milk and I had the best (I think it was German) chocolate. It took us two days to find the Colosseum. I almost got arrested and we had a room with two twin beds.

So far, other than the annual "Utah family tours" we have been on, our trip to the beach in Florida with John and Marie was my favorite family vacation. I really want to do that again. What could be better than a condo (almost) on the beach. The swimming pool out our front door, fish that fought to get on Grandpa's line and hermit crab beach?

Speaking of beaches. We did the Beach theme with my dad too. Only for a few days when we were in NC, but that was what wet our feet and made us want more, more, more! We went with Liz too in NC. Kitty Hawk was fabulous and Emerald Island is picturesque!

My mom came out and we went to Williamsberg. I remember Emily tried real shepherds pie. FYI, real shepherds pie in nothing like Mormon shepherds pie, it's made with lamb, which has a flavor of its own.

I would be totally out of it if I didn't put down any number of college road trips. We stuffed way too many people in to way too few cars and drove to California for almost nothing. We slept on friends and relatives floors, we rode major roller coasters and body surfed. We Disneyland-ed and it was soooo fun! Other college trips were spent hiking and playing.One I remember was rappelling in Escalate next to this huge waterfall.

As a kid we did a lot of camping. There was a point when I was too "cool" to show it, but I actually like camping. I remember the 31 games and the cheating. I loved sleeping in the tent, usually with Seth.

Like Emily, I remember that first trip via plane to California. Flying for the first time was so fun! Another memorable California trip was right after my mission when we did Disneyland for Thanksgiving. Hot dogs for Thanksgiving! Yum!

Right before my mission we went to Vegas. I wanted to get some major shopping done, and I wanted to be "carded." I didn't really want to gamble, just prove that I could. I tried to look my youngest and guiltiest, and finally someone asked to see my ID. I also took Rollerblades with me and bladed up and down the strip.

Those are a few that came to mind. I know I'm momentarily forgetting something. Love those vacations!

Sorry no pictures, but it took me long enough to do this much so I will call it good.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The First Day of School

It is finally here!

The first day of school for Aspen and Cedar.

They were ready. After vacation, what could compare?
Cedar is in first grade. His teacher is Mrs. Butler.
Aspen is in 3rd grade. She is now in the "intermediate" building with Mrs. Duby.
Olive and I, after working on the basement, cleaning up, playing, listing stuff on ebay, eating, readings and having naps and still finding ourselves with two hours on our hands decided to bake a back to school cake for Aspen and Cedar as a suprize.It was yummy, and fun to make, though Olive didn't like the crayons on top! As soon as I would let her she took them off.
They came home happy and excited about school. All in all, I think it was a great day for them.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Broken wrist

What I learned:
Make a big deal out of everything and you may feel silly, but everyone and everything will be perfectly fine. Brush it off as no big deal, wait it out a few days and it will feel better and it will turn out to be much worse than you thought. (Then, you don't feel silly anymore, you feel bad.)

What happened:
Monday (Yes, MONDAY) the kids were outside swinging and Aspen fell off. I ran out to see what was going on. She had hurt her wrist. I tried to get her onto her feet to bring her inside, but she wouldn't move. It turns out that we HAD (Notice the past tense here) a yellow jacket nest in the ground where Aspen was sitting and they were a bit peeved that she sat on their front door. One of them tried to politely ask her to move by landing on the little finger of her hurt hand. This was plenty invitation for her to move very quickly, but the yellow jacket didn't really like the noise and blowing at it so it stung her.

She was now very motivated to come inside and I could finally look at what had happened. "Can you move your fingers? Your hand? Your wrist? Squeeze my fingers." OK. Looks like you just bumped it or sprained it. On to the sting. Oooo. Yellow jacket stings really hurt. They really hurt for a long time. Her finger was swelling a little so I gave her some benadryl and some ice for the finger.

All of this time she is sobbing and yelling at Cedar to get out. He was peeking in trying to see what was going on. I had asked them to leave the living room so I could check Aspen out, but he was still hanging around a bit. I figured if she was more interested in getting Cedar in trouble she was hurt, but not too bad and a few hours or a day or so would cure everything.

So, basically I did nothing. She stopped complaining about the pain and only told people that she had sprained her wrist and she couldn't use it for a few days.

Tuesday was the (last) primary activity that I was in charge of. (I got released on Sunday but was asked to finish with the activity.) It was a big outside water activity. Aspen did everything except the tug of war. Her favorite was throwing water balloons at the leaders. The kids all brought canned food to give to the food pantry and in exchange they got water balloons to throw at us. She didn't seem too hurt then.
She said it hurt to practice the piano, but I thought she was just trying to get out of practicing. (I probably would have tried to if I were her...) That night when she tried to put weight on it it hurt really bad. I was a little concerned, but still I didn't think it was serious.

Yesterday I finally bought her an Ace bandage. As I went to put it on her I noticed that compared to her other little arm, this one was swollen. Not a lot. And you can't really tell unless you put them side by side, but it was swollen. Though, she said it felt a lot better.

This is when I start bugging anyone I can get a hold of with medical training. I called my mom, explained it all and then asked the fateful question, "I would know if it was broken right? I mean she wouldn't be able to use it as well would she? She would have a hard time moving her fingers or wrist or bending it, right?" Well, no. (Guilt oozes from the walls and ceiling and surrounds me.)

We get an appointment with the Dr. All through the exam I am thinking. Good, she's fine. It doesn't really hurt her now. She can do everything that the Dr. is asking her without pain. (relief.)

We go get an x-ray. This is very interesting for her and our tech is really nice. She lets us go in and look at the x-ray and to my untrained eye it looks great. We go out into the waiting room while the radiologist goes in and takes a look. We are all feeling better about the whole thing. We see the radiologist go out and the tech comes back to show us out. She says that our Dr. will call us. Then she looks at me and asks if we have an orthopedist that we use. (Bye bye good feelings.) I mouth "Broken?" I know she really can't tell me. There are signs up all over the office announcing that techs cannot give results of the x-rays, so don't ask. Our tech gives the smallest nod then I tell her that we don't have anyone particular that we use. She said that there are several there that are good and they can recommend one. Oh boy...

At five till five the Dr. office calls. We need to go back in to get a splint. She broke her wrist in two places and they need to immobilize it until we can get in and get a cast. When we get there Dr. Melling takes me over and shows me the x-ray. I had seen it before, but then he points out a little line about a half inch down on the biggest arm bone. (I am obviously not up to speed on bone names.) It goes all the way across. Then there is a little crescent shape line on the little arm bone next to the other one. Oh! I see it now. It's broken in two places. Lovely.

The good news is that it's a clean break. They won't have to set it, just cast it.

She gets her cast on Friday, right before we go to school registration. Aspen is really excited. She will choose a pink cast and can't wait to get everyone to sign it. As for me. I don't know what I feel. Relieved that it isn't worse. Bad that I didn't take her in Monday. Wondering what to do next time I want to say, "It's not too bad, you'll feel better in the morning."

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

This is what heaven looks like to my dad. Surrounded by noisy grandchildren. Being climbed on and layed on and pounced on and and cried on. His house may be small, but there is always room for everyone. Come in, your welcome here!

Today is his special day. I hope that he knows how loved he is. I wish I could be there to make him a Texas sheet cake. I love you dad! Happy birthday!
Makin' bacon.

Climbed on.

Layed on.
At the temple.

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