Thursday, March 4, 2010

Still here

I've gotten a few phone calls and texts in the past few days asking about my lack of blogging lately. I have always maintained that my blog is the one thing that I do that doesn't have to be done, so often it doesn't get done. Sorry.

This is what March is looking like for me. (Notice the calendar that Aspen made for me!)

I feel like spring had GOT to be right around the corner. I have finally become a southerner. By the time January is over I fully expect February to start the warming process. Sure, it's rainy, but little green things start popping up and by the time February's wet days are over, my lawn is green and Jonathon starts preparing for the coming hours of solitude on the lawn mower.

It hasn't happened yet though. Tennessee is having an identity crisis. It thinks it is some mid-western state. I don't know who went and told him that it's "cool" to stay in or below the 30's in March. But whoever it was is WRONG! I miss my Tennessee. February in the 50's and March in the 60's and sometimes 70's.

So, that's my excuse. I'm still hibernating. I haven't woken up yet. (Except that brief but blissful excursion in February!)

Oh well.

Here is what you really want. The kids have taken up photography. Enjoy!


Marie aka Grams said...

Those photos are truly hilarious. Thanks for making my day. I needed a laugh. I think the weather just wanted to remind you of Green River. xox

Katrina said...

Ech - don't stress it. Sometimes life takes over and there ain't nuthin' you can do about it. I stopped waiting for a good time, and decided to just blog when I felt like it. Sometimes that means its at 2:30 am - because that's when I finally got some time!!!

Hang in there. RAAAR! (In like a Lion, out like a... well, you get it..)

Seth and Julie said...

We are actually having a warm winter, for us. Today Alex went out to play at school in snow gear and when he came in he complained that it was too hot to be outside. It was 40 degrees.

Did you cut Olive's hair? It is hard to tell in the pictures, but it looks like a cute little bob? Am I imagining things? Can I see close-up?

Julie L said...

Six inches (less my exaggeration when it comes to snow probably equals 4" actual) fresh snow this morning. I am so ready to go back into hibernation and debating posting a new blog. These photos are truly delightful! Thanks for the laugh.

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