Monday, August 9, 2010

And they're off...

It's 8:45am.

I am sitting here, in an unusually quiet house. I have the radio on to mask the silence. The breakfast dishes are done, the table cleaned off and I am straining my ears to hear forts being made upstairs, or someone swinging outside.

Someone should be coming to me in just a few minutes asking for a snack, or a drink, or to settle a fight.

But no one is coming.

Everyone is gone, and I am alone.
Olive will be home 3 days this week. They do a staggered start school year. I have never been able to figure out why they do it quite like they do. I always assumed it was for the teachers, though if asked I think that those in charge would say it's for the kids. But now, I think it's for the parents. Especially those like me who just left their babies at the BIG school and won't see them ALL DAY. For a few days I will be reveling in the time. The ease of getting things done. But there will always be the mornings alone in the house.

I wonder if my ears will stop straining to hear them.

3:00pm sounds like a long way away.

(I think I'll go make something chocolate. I'm going to say it's for the kids...)


Julie L said...

My ears still tune for the sounds and the house has been rattling empty for several years now. They grow up too fast, don't they?

It's hard to believe you're already into school there. Are they on year round?

Sarah E. said...

No, not year round. Just really early start and out dates.

Seth and Julie said...

All three of them in big! So crazy! I don't know what I will do when that day comes, but I am also wondering what I will do with just Chloe at home for three years. She is so used to having a playmate.

Being a mom is too weird. We spend so much time telling them to be quiet, and then when it is quiet straining and longing to hear that noise. Good luck making it to 3:00.

On the bright will have more time for blogging.

Marie aka Grams said...

It's a bittersweet day, isn't it? Every woman's life is filled with moments of holding on and letting go, and it never gets easier just different. I definitely know chocolate helps in so many ways.
love you.

Cristy said...

I hope that someday I will miss the fighting, and the yelling, and the screaming, and the tattling, and the jumping, and the banging, and the slamming... but for right now, I am supremely jealous of the peace and silence you are experiencing! ;) But, I realize that in just 3 short years it will be me who is missing the hugging, and the kissing, and the giggling, and the snuggling, and the loving, and the hand holding. So yes, there are many things to miss for sure! But, to make it through, just think of the good parts... like a room staying clean for 5 minutes in a row, and talking on the phone un-interrupted (you can always call me!), and going to the bathroom without little fingers wiggling under the door (wait...that is kind of cute, don't ya think?). But, focus on doing all your work early, so that when they come home you can greet them with hugs and a smile and YOUR undivided attention! Your free time just went from nights after bedtime, to morning after school starts. And hey, chocolate never hurts! Love ya!

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