Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happiest baby!

Kids registered and finally in school --Check
bags unpacked and put away--un-check
house clean--un-check
grocery shopping done--un-check

This is my list of things to do today. I am on break time...
There is a ton of things I want to tell you about, but since 3/4 of my readers experienced at least some of those things with me it is not on today's to do list. But I hopefully might get to it. I did want to tell you about one fun thing that was waiting for us when we got home.

You remember Aspen told you about entering Linden into the library "cutest baby contest?" (See below!) Well, he won! How fun is that?


Emily said...

Well I am so sad you are not here anymore. Miss you tons. Glad we got you for so long, plus one extra day. Tell the kids we love and miss them.

Linden is so cute. He is the second cutest baby boy I know ;)

Marie aka Grams said...

The most deserving baby won the contest!!!!! How does one family get all the cute kids? Glad you made it safely. Hope the car seat does too.

Julie L said...

That is a delightful photo. Makes you smile just to look at it!

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