Friday, May 27, 2011

Taking pictures

Do you know how hard it is to take a picture of a baby while you are holding him? It's a little tuff.

Aspen, Cedar and Olive all liked to be cradled in my arms and to face out when I would carry them around. If they couldn't see where they were going they would fuss until I turned them around. That's just how they liked things. Since it was all three of them, I just assumed that Linden would have the same preferences. I think that may be one of the biggest mistakes we mothers make. assuming that one child is like the others just because they have the same parents and home. Sometimes we forget that these little people are real people, real individuals.

Linden is like that. I try to carry him around facing forward. It is a fairly easy and convenient way to carry a baby. He tolerates it for a little while, then he fusses and squirms until I turn him around and pat his back until he settles in. He is my snuggler. I must admit I adore holding him this way. I just want to sit and cuddle and hold him.

My favorite time is in the morning when he has started to fuss a little and I pull him onto my chest and we both just lay there in bed watching the room get brighter. He seems to melt right into me and I lay there silently praying my little prayers of thanks that I got to have another turn to be a mother.

I have been trying to document Linden's snuggling days. (I know they won't last very long. I think I might cry just thinking about it...) I have taken to photographing myself and Linden in the mirror. The plus of this way of photographing is that my face is covered by the camera. This is usually pretty good since I don't spend too much time on my appearance these days. On a side note. Did I ever tell you what a good buy a $25 pool from Wal-Mart is? Even though Aspen complained when we bought it that it was a "Baby pool" the kids really do have a lot of fun keeping cool and playing. I wish we could buy one of those ones that are bigger and deeper and have a pump and you leave up and all that stuff, but our yard has exactly 9 almost square feet of flatness and it is too close to the house to risk putting that much water.

I wish I had put on the video for this one, Linden was talking and talking to Olive. We decided he was telling her all about the angels.


Brian and Tonya said...

Awww so sweet. And snugglers are the best, aren't they.

Julie L said...

What Tonya said ... I echo. Love that picture of Aspen and Linden, too. Adorable. Although our answers would scoff at the idea, you just officially moved into the realm of being a mother of a large family. Wonderful isn't it?

Tony and Ann said...

Thank you for the pictures. My favorite time used to be in the middle of the night, when you guys would snuggle and I would rock you. I remember thinking that I would never forget--but one baby blended into another, and I can't pull up exact memories--just the feelings. Be glad you've got digital cameras--all we had was film and expensive developing, so I don't have the pictures you do. And I do believe that Linden was telling Olive stories, and it looks like she understood. Maybe she's still young enough to do that at some deep level. Can't wait to snuggle that baby! It's only just over a month now!

Seth and Julie said...

That is how Alyssa liked to be held and I loved it. Snuggling newborns is the BEST! After the 6 year baby break I bet you are loving having a little snuggler.

Marie aka Grams said...

So sweet, so poignant.

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