Sunday, April 5, 2009

A girl's best friend

Long ago, in a land far, far away a girl was living in the cold and barren land of Wyoming. That girl dreamt of skiing, snow and a larger dating pool. (and maybe a few classes now and then..) One day, that great institution that the girl was going to sent a letter for orientation. The girl would spend several days exploring the land and meeting the natives. The girls grandmother, who lived in the land of Utah heard about the upcoming journey and mentioned it to a neighbor. Well, as fate would have it, that neighbor also had a daughter who was setting off on the same adventure to the same land. Arrangements were made and a deal to split the gas bill settled. The day for the journey came and the girls met. The second girl remembered the first. They were once neighbors! Kindred spirits kissed by fate had once again been united, never to be separated, at least not in spirit. And so started the the journey, that first adventure turned into hundreds of adventures. Secrets kept, boys talked of, dreams discussed, mountains climbed, oceans surfed (ok, body boarded) Schemes made, dances danced, tears spilt, murders solved, kitchens cleaned (but only when the last dish was dirtied) songs sung, letters written, husbands met, weddings attended, children talked of and long distance bills piled up. Though fate tried her hardest to separate the two again, thinking that 2000 miles was enough, the bond held strong. And now, that girl from Wyoming owes perhaps even her life to that girl who first split the gas bill with her. And now that the second girl is officially OLD, the first wants to say."Happy Birthday Cristy!"
A blast from the past! Who wouldn't kill for that red hair?
I think that's in front, or maybe back of the Pizza Factory in Cedar. Mmmm, the bread sticks were the best, but the company was even better!


Emily said...

Happy Birthday Cristy!

Seth and Julie said...

Wow, I didn't know you guys went back to the very start of college. It's awesome that you have stayed close through the distance.

Happy Birthday Cristy.

Cristy said...

Wow! Thank you! This just supports what I already knew... I have the BESTEST best friend EVER! Thanks for everything, now and always! And for the fun walk down memory lane. Oh, the stories we could tell... but we WON'T, right?!! :)

And thanks Emily, Seth and Julie for the birthday wishes!

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