Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Write it down!

Next goal:
Write down everything I eat for a month. That's the key to eating healthier right? Being accountable for what you eat. Knowing that I am going to have to write down every piece of chocolate or stolen treat and see it there, ink on paper. That's enough to change an eating habit right there!

I want to know. Has anyone out there ever successfully done this? For how long?


Seth and Julie said...

I have done this, more than once, sometimes for months at a time. My sister does it and swears by it, but all it has ever done for me is make me feel guilty about everything I eat. The less I pay attention to what I am eating, the less I eat and the happier I am.

Let me know how it goes for you. Don't do it at the same time as the no white...combining the two could be hazardous to your happiness, or at least it would be to mine.

Loving the goals...keep 'em coming.

Cristy said...

I have done this, and am currently doing this, as part of Weight Watchers. I will say that for me, when I am exact and write it ALL down, that is when I lose weight. When I have too many unaccounted BLTs (Bites, Licks, and Tastes) is when I maintain or gain weight. The BLTs get me every time! Good luck! (But I do agree with Julie... doing it at the same time as the no white thing might not be very fun, even though they are both very healthy goals!)

Love ya!

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